The legal framework: The PPWR
The PPWR (Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation) is approaching. For the coming Delegated Act regarding the European-wide paper assessment adapa strongly believes the Cepi test will be the role-model for it and aligns its RnD activities accordingly already today.
Designed by the Confederation European Paper Industries (Cepi), the Cepi Recyclability Test Method Version 2 does not rely theoretical assessments but focusses on actual recyclability and repulpability. It does so by shredding a submitted sample, repulping it, converting it into recycled paper and assessing it.
Only a secondary one. Of course, a high paper content should be aimed at, but it is of no use if this paper content cannot be recovered.
For first-hand information, we recommend taking a look directly at Cepi's website:
What is the Cepi test?
The "Cepi Recyclability Test Method Version 2" is a test protocoll to evaluate the recyclability of paper packaging. It was issued by the Confederation of European Paper Industries (Cepi) in cooperation with 4evergreen in October 2022 and is currently seen as the gold standard.
Why is yet another test needed?
Simply said: to replace them all (at least for paper packaging). There are many tests out there but we expect a harmonisation of the paper recyclabilty certification landscape.
Is this Cepi test relevant?
The Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) is already known, but will be further defined with delegated acts. For paper recycling, we strongly assume that the Cepi test will be the role model for it and align our RnD accordingly already today.